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WEBINAR: E-Hub Training for AR and OK Agents

Event Details

Date: Thursday, April 25, 2019
Start Time: 1:00 PM CST
End Time: 2:00 PM CST
Organizer: Adrienne Ostrus

Humana has a new electronic enrollment tool (E-Hub) that can be utilized for your Medicare business.

This program is designed and optimized to get you through the quote and enrollment process FASTER than ever before!!

Utilizing E-Hub will greatly reduce the amount of pended applications you get when using paper applications.


During the Webinar we will show you how to access and log-in to Enrollment HUB; what off-line mode is and how to use it; fill-out an SOA, enrollment application and additional forms; tips & tricks for efficiency.  We will also have time devoted to Questions & Answers

To register for this training session

Go to and register.