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Extra Hot News: New Medicare Rates for 2016 Released!

After much deliberation about what to expect for Medicare rates inextrathumb 2016, the President signed the bipartisan budget into law and the new Medicare rates effective 2016 are now released.

Social security recipients can be held harmless to the increase in costs, which will account for about 70% of Medicare beneficiaries.  Those not held harmless will be people who are new to Medicare and those with incomes filed on their tax returns $85,000 individually or $170,000 jointly.

The Medicare Part B deductible will be $166, and those not held harmless will pay $121.80 for the premium.  Those who are protected by the held harmless clause will pay $104.90.

Medicare Part A will have a $1,288 in-patient deductible and $161 skilled nursing co-payment.

Click Here for Official CMS Release