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CMS Contracts Booz-Allen as New Systems Integrator for

Good news to all who will be using in the future- CMS has hired the Booz-Allen firm to be the system integrator for the government Marketplace website and FFMs.  CMS has been their own system integrator until now; however, after the initial launch and following troublesITthumb of the website they have opted to hire a private consulting firm.

Booz-Allen stated that their goals are to work with CMS to "deliver new functions, improvements, or changes to the existing technology, processes and procedures to oversee and manage the evolution, integration, and operations of all Marketplace systems" and "to ensure the success of critical mission activities across the system and value chain, to include the annual open enrollment period."

The contract gives Booz-Allen one base year and four option years; if fully exercised, they would be systems integrator until July 2020.